Dennis Schulting
M.A. Classical Theology,
Ph.D. Philosophy
Independent philosopher and specialist in the study of Kant & German Idealism. Former Assistant Professor of Metaphysics & the History of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam
KANT TEGEN DE KEER. PANDEMIE, RAS, OORLOG (work in progress, Dutch)
THE BOUNDS OF TRANSCENDENTAL LOGIC (London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021; paperback 2022) [xiv + 204 pages]
APPERCEPTION AND SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS IN KANT AND GERMAN IDEALISM (London/New York: Bloomsbury, 2020; paperback 2022) [xiii + 242 pages] ERRATA
KANT'S DEDUCTION FROM APPERCEPTION. AN ESSAY ON THE TRANSCENDENTAL DEDUCTION OF THE CATEGORIES (in Kant-Studien Ergänzungshefte, Bd 203) (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018; paperback 2020) [xxviii + 344 pages]
KANT’S DEDUCTION AND APPERCEPTION. EXPLAINING THE CATEGORIES (Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012) [xiv + 300 pages ] [out of print; replaced by KANT'S DEDUCTION FROM APPERCEPTION (De Gruyter, 2018)]
KANT'S TRANSCENDENTAL DEDUCTION AND THE THEORY OF APPERCEPTION, Kant-Studien Ergänzungshefte Bd. 218, co-editors Giuseppe Motta & Udo Thiel (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2022; paperback 2024) [xiii + 648 pp.]—22 contributing authors
KANTIAN NONCONCEPTUALISM (London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) [xxvi + 346 pp.]—contributing authors: Lucy Allais, Sacha Golob, Anil Gomes & Andrew Stephenson, Stefanie Grüne, Robert Hanna, Dietmar Heidemann, Thomas Land, Colin McLear, Christian Onof, Dennis Schulting, Clinton Tolley [e4]
THE BLOOMSBURY COMPANION TO KANT (London/New York: Bloomsbury, 2015) [450 pp.] expanded and improved, second edition (paperback)—contributions by 39 authors [e3]
THE CONTINUUM COMPANION TO KANT (London/New York: Continuum, 2012), co-editor G. Banham [408 pp.]—contributions by 36 authors [e2]
KANT’S IDEALISM. NEW INTERPRETATIONS OF A CONTROVERSIAL DOCTRINE (Dordrecht/Heidelberg: Springer Science, 2011), co-editor J. Verburgt [xviii + 280 pp.]—contributing authors: Karl Ameriks, Manfred Baum, Lucy Allais, Ido Geiger, Gary Banham, Marcel Quarfood, Steven M. Bayne, Jacco Verburgt, Dietmar Heidemann, Christian Onof, Dennis Schulting [e1]
'“The Identity Thesis” and Judgement at A79=B104–5', work in progress
'Kant on Race'
'Synthesis, Schmimagination and Regress' [latest draft] TALK TURIN 5 MAY 2023
'Verlichting, geschiedenis en ras bij Kant', review essay on I. Kant, »WAT IS VERLICHTING?« EN ANDERE GESCHIEDFILOSOFISCHE GESCHRIFTEN', ed. Th. Mertens & W. Van der Kuijlen (Amsterdam: Boom, 2021)
Deel I.A: Mondigheid en vrijheid van denken, December 2021 [English version]
Deel I.B: Vaccinatie, autonomie en 'morele waaghalserij', January 2022 [English version]
Deel I.C: Mondigheid en emancipatie, January 2024 [English version]
Deel II: Oorlog
Deel III: Ras en racisme
'Een barbaarse nabuur: Een notitie over een voetnoot in Kants Zum ewigen Frieden', forthcoming
'Enlightenment and Prophecy', a review essay on O. Boehm, Radikaler Universalismus. Jenseits von Identität
Nederlands in het hoger onderwijs'
'The Exegetical Fallacy in Philosophy. A Plea For Philosophical Reading'
'The Difference Between the Pippinian and Houlgatian Interpretations of Hegel'
'Sheer Being and Thought. Some Further Notes On Houlgate's Reading of the Being Logic'
'Me, Myself, and I: On Three Notions of Self-Identity'
'Logic and Content. Some Additional Remarks About Pippin’s Reading of Kant'
'Over een extreem fenomenalistische lezing van Kant', review of E. Rutten Contra Kant. Ruimte voor herwonnen transcendentie (Kok Boekencentrum 2020), first posted on CritiqueRedux, now available here [short version published in Radix; see review section below]
''Reply to Giladi', response piece to critique of KANT'S RADICAL SUBJECTIVISM, Critique 2018 (September)
'Why Kantian Nonconceptualists Can't Have Their Cake and Eat It—Reply to Sacha Golob', response piece to critique of KANT'S RADICAL SUBJECTIVISM, Critique 2018 (May)
'Epistemic Humility, Objective Validity, Logical Derivability. Reply to Robert Watt', response piece to critique of KANT'S RADICAL SUBJECTIVISM, Critique 2017 (November)
'The Unity of Cognition and the Subjectivist vs. "Transformative" Approaches to the B-Deduction. Comments on James Conant', Critique 2017 (October)
'Analyticity, Analytic Philosophy and Kant's Synthetic A Priori: Comments on Robert Hanna's Cognition, Content, and the A Priori', with a reply by Robert Hanna, Critique 2017 (May)
'Critical Notice of Robert Pippin's "Logik und Metaphysik. Hegels 'Reich der Schatten'"', Critique 2016 (October)
'Kant on Race', forthcoming
'Maturity, Freedom of Thought, and Emancipation -- On Kant's What is Enlightenment?', special Kant issue of Journal of Philosophical Investigations 18(47) (2024): 281-302.
'Analytic of Teleological Judgment (§§61–8)', co-author C. Onof, in Sorin Baiasau & Mark Timmons (eds) THE KANTIAN MIND (Routledge Philosophical Minds series) (London: Routledge, 2023) [link]
'Кантовская аналогия с Коперником: за пределами неспецифического прочтения', Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 3 (1/2) (2022). [Russian translation of 'Kant's Copernican Analogy', Studi kantiani XXII (2009): 39–65]
'Apperception and Object. Comments on Mario Caimi's Reading of the B-Deduction', contribution to a book symposium on Mario Caimi's KANT'S B DEDUCTION (2014), Revista de Estudios Kantianos 7,2 (2022): 462–81.
'The Unity of Cognition and the Subjectivist vs. ‘Transformative’ Approaches to the B-Deduction, or, How to Read the ‘Leitfaden’ (A79)', in KANT'S TRANSCENDENTAL DEDUCTION AND THE THEORY OF APPERCEPTION. NEW INTERPRETATIONS, edited by G. Motta, D. Schulting & U. Thiel (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2022), pp. 403–35.
'Transcendental Logic and the Logic of Thought', Studi kantiani XXXIV (2021): 115–26.
'Apperception, Objectivity, and Idealism', in proceedings of the 13th INTERNATIONAL KANT CONGRESS, OSLO: THE COURT OF REASON 2019 (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2021), pp. 641–50.
'On a Recently Adopted Prominent Tone of Superiority in Philosophy', in J. Wuerth (ed.) THE CAMBRIDGE KANT LEXICON (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2021), pp. 676–8
'Superstition (Aberglaube)', in J. Wuerth (ed.) THE CAMBRIDGE KANT LEXICON (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2021), pp. 426–7
'The "Proper" Tone of Critical Philosophy. Kant and Derrida on Metaphilosophy and the Use of Religious Tropes', in Sorin Baiasu & Alberto Vanzo (eds), KANT AND THE CONTINENTAL TRADITION: SENSIBILITY, NATURE, AND RELIGION (London: Routledge, 2020), pp. 194–221.
'Zelfbewustzijn, idealisme en objectiviteit—over Kant's Radical Subjectivism', Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 80,2 (2018): 313–22
'Repliek op de kritiek van de Boer, Blomme, van den Berg en Spigt', response piece to critiques of KANT'S RADICAL SUBJECTIVISM, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 80,2 (2018): 363–78. [English version]
'The Current Status of Research on Kant's Transcendental Deduction', Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3,1 (May 2018): 69–88.
'Hands Off Peer Review for Philosophy Journals', Against Professional Philosophy (March 2018).
'Gaps, Chasms and Things in Themselves: A Reply to My Critics', response piece to critiques of KANT'S RADICAL SUBJECTIVISM by Andrew Brook, Anil Gomes, Robert Howell, and Alexandra Newton, Kantian Review 23,1 (2018): 131–43. (See also the additional note to Howell's critique here.)
'Kant's Idealism and Phenomenalism. A Critical Notice of Lucy Allais's Manifest Reality. Kant's Idealism and his Realism', Studi kantiani XXX (2017): 191–202
'Gap? What Gap?—On the Unity of Apperception and the Necessary Application of the Categories', in Giuseppe Motta & Udo Thiel (eds), IMMANUEL KANT: DIE EINHEIT DES BEWUSSTSEINS (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2017), pp. 89–113
'Apperception, Self-Consciousness, and Self-Knowledge in Kant', in Matthew Altman (ed.) THE PALGRAVE KANT HANDBOOK (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. 139–61.
'Introduction', in [e4], pp. v-xviii
'On An Older Dispute: Hegel, Pippin, and the Separability of Concept and Intuition in Kant', in [e4], pp. 227–55
'In Defence of Reinhold's Kantian Representationalism: Aspects of Idealism in Versuch einer neuen Theorie des menschlichen Vorstellungsvermögens', Kant Yearbook 8 (2016): 87–116.
'De zelfgenoegzaamheid van linkse academici—Interview with Richard Rorty from 1997', co-author M. Koster, with introduction by Jappe Groenendijk, Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 2016
['Kant's Moral Theology', in C. Fugate (ed.), KANT'S LECTURES ON METAPHYSICS. A CRITICAL GUIDE (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2019) [commissioned but not submitted] ]
'Probleme des „kantianischen“ Nonkonzeptualismus im Hinblick auf die B-Deduktion', Kant-Studien 106,4 (2015): 561–80
'Transcendental Apperception and Consciousness in Kant's Lectures on Metaphysics', in Robert Clewis (ed.) READING KANT'S LECTURES (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2015), pp. 89–113
'appearance', 'intuition', additional entries in [e3], pp. 180–2, 214–16
'Space as Form of Intuition and as Formal Intuition. On the Note to B160 in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason', co-author C. Onof, the Philosophical Review 124,1 (2015): 1–58
Note: An incorrect reference to Hanna (2011) has mysteriously crept in after we checked the final proof; it should be:
Hanna, R. 2011. “Kant’s Non-Conceptualism, Rogue Objects and the Gap in the B Deduction.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19, no. 3: 399–415.
['Intrinsicality, Relations, and Knowledge of Things in Themselves – Hegel vs. Kant', in T. Goldschmidt & K. Pearce (eds) IDEALISM. NEW ESSAYS IN METAPHYSICS (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017). [commissioned but not submitted]]
'Kant's Deduction From Apperception: A Reply to My Critics', Book Symposium on my Kant's Deduction and Apperception (respondents: Corey Dyck, Marcel Quarfood, & Andrew Stephenson), Studi kantiani XXVII (2014): 95–118
‘Kant, Kästner and the Distinction between Metaphysical and Geometric Space’, co-author C. Onof, Kantian Review 19,2 (2014): 285–304
‘On Kästner’s Treatises’, translation into English of Kant’s Über Kästners Abhandlungen, including textual apparatus, co-translator C. Onof, Kantian Review 19,2 (2014): 305–13
‘Kant’s Transcendental Religious Argument: the Possibility of Religion’, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL KANT CONGRESS, PISA 2010, ed. Claudio La Rocca et al. (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2013), vol. 2, pp. 949–62
‘Kant, Non-Conceptual Content, and the “Second Step” of the B-Deduction’, Kant Studies Online 2012: 51–92 [translated and modified version of an article in Dutch, which appeared in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72,4 (2010): 679–715]
‘Non-Apperceptive Consciousness’, in Piero Giordanetti, Riccardo Pozzo & Marco Sgarbi (eds), KANT’S PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2012), pp. 271–302
‘Pietism’, 'Descartes', ‘Anticipations of Perception’, ‘Apperception’, ‘Deduction’, ‘Inner/Outer Sense’, ‘Judgment’, ‘Principle of Non-Contradiction’, ‘Proofs of God’s Existence’, ‘Reality’, ‘Spontaneity’, ‘Synthesis’, entries in [e2], pp. 104–6, 124–7, 167–9, 172–4, 182–5, 202–3, 205–7, 231–2, 234–8, 242–3, 256–7, 259–60 // the parallel pp. in [e3] are: 106–8, 130–3, 175–7, 182–4, 192–5, 212–13, 216–18, 245–6, 248–51, 256–7, 270–1, 272–4
‘Aristotle’, entry in [e2], pp. 115–18 // [e3], pp. 121–4 [co-author K. J. Brons]
‘Method’, entry in [e2], pp. 218–20 // [e3], 230–2 [co-author C. Onof]
‘Kants Kopernikanisch-Newtonische Analogie’, co-authors D. Schönecker & N. Strobach, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59,4 (2011): 497–518
‘Kant’s Idealism: The Current Debate’, in [e1], pp. 1–25
‘Limitation and Idealism: Kant’s ‘Long’ Argument from the Categories’, in [e1], pp. 159–91
‘Kant, non-conceptuele inhoud en synthese’, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72,4 (2010): 679–715
‘Kant’s Copernican Analogy: Beyond the Non-Specific Reading’, Studi kantiani XXII (2009): 39–65
‘On Strawson on Kantian Apperception’ [revised version], South African Journal of Philosophy 27,3 (2008): 257–71 (special edition on P. F. Strawson, papers by Quassim Cassam, Lucy Allais, Paul Snowdon, Thad Metz, Murali Ramachandran, Scott Stapleford and Gunnar Björnsson)
‘Wat is eigenlijk copernicaans aan Kants copernicaanse revolutie?’, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 100,1 (2008): 41–66
‘Deducing the Categories of Modality and Relation — Reich Revisited’, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL KANT CONGRESS, SÃO PAULO 2005, ed. Valerio Rohden et al. (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2008), vol. 2, pp. 683–94
‘The Functionality of Christian Life: Problems of the Early Hegel’s Epistemology of Religion’, Hegel Bulletin 53/54 (2006): 107–24
‘Hegel, Reason and the Overdeterminacy of God’, review article on W. Desmond, Hegel's God. A Counterfeit Double? (Ashgate 2003) in Hegel Bulletin 51/52 (2005): 83–96
‘Hegel on Kant’s Synthetic A Priori in ‹Glauben und Wissen›’, in HEGEL-JAHRBUCH 2005: GLAUBEN UND WISSEN. DRITTER TEIL, ed. Andreas Arndt, Karol Bal & Henning Ottman (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2005), pp. 176–82 link
F.W.J. Schelling, Levensfasen van de wereld [Die Weltalter], vertaald en toegelicht door Frans Ruiter en Paul Ziche (Damon 2024), forthcoming in Uil van Minerva [commissioned]
R. Pippin, The Culmination. Heidegger, German Idealism, and the Fate of Philosophy (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2024), forthcoming in Marginalia Review of Books [commissioned]
A. Seguy-Duclot, Kant, Le premier cercle: La déduction transcendantale des catégories (Classiques Garnier, 2021), co-author C. Onof, Kantian Review 29,3: 508-13 [pre-print]
T. Hoeppner, Urteil und Anschauung. Kants metaphysische Deduktion der Kategorien (De Gruyter, 2021), Kantian Review 28,4 (2023): 640-4 [pre-print] [commissioned]
L. Filieri, Sintesi e guidizio. Studio su Kant e Jakob Sigismund Beck (Edizione ETS, 2020), forthcoming in Studi kantiani [commissioned]
A. Ferrarin, Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique of Kant (Chicago UP, 2019), forthcoming in Hegel Bulletin [commissioned]
[K. de Boer, Kant's Reform of Metaphysics: The Critique of Pure Reason Reconsidered (Cambridge UP, 2020) [commissioned by Kant-Studien, not submitted]]
R. Pippin, Hegel’s Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in Hegel’s Science of Logic (Chicago UP, 2018), Hegel Bulletin 42,3 (2021): 480–5 [pdf] [APPENDIX]
E. Rutten, Contra Kant. Ruimte voor herwonnen transcendentie (Kok Kampen, 2020), Radix 46,4 (2020): 351–5 [pdf] [commissioned]
B. Longuenesse, I, Me, Mine. Back to Kant and Back Again (Oxford UP, 2017), the Philosophical Review 128,1 (2019): 107–11 [pdf] [commissioned]
C. Dyck, Kant and Rational Psychology (Oxford UP, 2014), Studi kantiani XXIX (2016): 185–91 [pdf] [commissioned]
S. Sedgwick, Hegel's Critique of Kant (Oxford UP 2012), Kant-Studien 107,2 (2016): 414–19 [pdf] [commissioned]
P. Phan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Trinity (Cambridge UP 2011) [commissioned by Plurilogue, not published; posted on 𝕶𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖐]
S. Besoli, C. La Rocca and R. Martinelli (eds), L’universo kantiano. Filosofia, scienze, sapere (Quodlibet, 2011), Studi kantiani XXV (2012): 115–7 [commissioned]
K. L. Reinhold, Versuch einer neuen Theorie des Vorstellungsvermögens, ed. E.-O. Onnasch (Meiner, 2010) and K. L. Reinhold, Beiträge zur Berichtigung bisheriger Mißverständnisse der Philosophen, 2 vols., ed. F. Fabbianelli (Meiner, 2003), International Yearbook for German Idealism 8 (2011): 356–61 [commissioned]
S. Stapleford, Kant’s Transcendental Arguments (Continuum, 2008), Kant Studies Online (2011): 105–15 [pdf]
W. Bristow, Hegel and the Transformation of Philosophical Critique (Oxford UP, 2007), Hegel Bulletin 59/60 (2009): 82–8 [commissioned]
K. Westphal, Kant’s Transcendental Proof of Realism (Cambridge UP, 2004), Kant-Studien 100,3 (2009): 382–5 [commissioned]
A. B. Dickerson, Kant on Representation and Objectivity (Cambridge UP, 2003), Kantian Review 10 (2005): 156–9