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I am a former Assistant Professor of Metaphysics and the History of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam (UD in the previous Dutch system). I taught there until 2011. I have been an independent philosopher since September 2011, when I left academia mainly for health reasons.


In Amsterdam, I taught in Kant's theoretical philosophy, Hegel's Science of Logic, Descartes' Meditations, rationalism, German Idealism, epistemology and philosophical atheism.


I have a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Warwick (UK) and an M.A. in Theology from the University of Amsterdam. Should you wonder, I'm Dutch (born in the great city of Hilversum).


At university, I studied Classics, Philosophy, Psychology & Sociology of Religion, and Theology from 1991 to 1998.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2004 (viva January 2004). My thesis was on Kant's theory of apperception, which I wrote under the supervision of the Hegel scholar Stephen Houlgate (my thesis contains nothing about Hegel though!). 

I also have a Master's degree in Classical Theology (first degree). My specialisation was in Doctrinal Theology (mainly Barthian "Dogmatics"), Theological Encyclopædia (19th century Protestant theology), Critical Theory (in particular, Adorno), Philosophy of Religion and in particular early Schleiermacher (Reden über die Religion). I still am hugely interested in various topics in systematic theology. 


My pre-university education was completed at a traditional "humanistisches Gymasium" (6-year programme with mandatory Latin and Ancient Greek) at the Catholic Episcopal College in Weert, the Netherlands (1981–87). The Episcopal College was a Latin School founded by Augustinian monks from the Haga Mariana in 1648 under the same name.  


My interests lie primarily in Kant's philosophy, German Idealism, early modern, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion (including philosophical theology), and Heidegger.


I publish mainly on Kant and German Idealism and have published in English, German, and Dutch in philosophy journals such as the Philosophical ReviewKantian Review, Kant-Studien, Kant Yearbook, Hegel Bulletin, Studi kantiani, Tijdschrift voor FilosofieAlgemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte (ANTW) and South African Journal of Philosophy. ANTW belongs to the oldest still published generalist philosopy journals (since 1908), as does the slightly older Kant-Studien (1896) and the Philosophical Review (1892), the latter itself being the top 1 philosophy journal for generalist philosophy, according to this poll. I now mainly publish on my own substack page: To keep track of what I read and write, see my running notes and comments at


My most recent project concerns a volume of essays dedicated to some of Kant's minor essays, written between 1766 and 1796, in particular 'What is Enlightenment?', the two essays on history, his three essays on race, 'On a Recently Adopted Superior Tone', 'Dreams of a Spirit-Seer' (which was published as a book), and 'The End of All Things'. The intention is to publish this book in Dutch, but maybe I'll publish it in English instead. The project on Hegel's Logic is on hold. 


I was the managing and founding editor of Critique, the international Author-meets-Critics group blog for recently published monographs on Kant & German Idealism, with over 110 contributors. Critique was active from 2013 until 2019 and is now defunct. Archived downloadable PDFs of all posted essays can be found here.


I have refereed (often multiple times*) for Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor WijsbegeerteArchiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, British Journal for the History of Philosophy*, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of PhilosophyInquiry, Journal of the History of Philosophy*, Kantian Review, Philosophers’ Imprint*, Philosophical Quarterly*, the Philosophical ReviewStudi Kantiani*, Synthese, Verifiche, History of Philosophy Quarterly*, and Tijdschrift voor Filosofie*NOTE: I no longer do refereeing



    "Die Beschäftigung mit geistigen Dingen ist mittlerweile selber 'praktisch', zu einem Geschäft mit strenger Arbeitsteilung, mit Branchen und numerus clausus geworden. Der materiell Unabhängige, der sie aus Widerwillen gegen die Schmach des Geldverdienens wählt, wird nicht geneigt sein, das anzuerkennen. Dafür wird er bestraft. Er ist kein 'professional', rangiert in der Hierarchie der Konkurrenten als Dilettant, gleichgültig wieviel er sachlich versteht, und muß, wenn er Karriere machen will, den stursten Fachmann an entschlossener Borniertheit womöglich noch übertrümpfen.... Die Departementalisierung des Geistes ist ein Mittel, diesen dort abzuschaffen, wo er nicht ex officio, im Auftrag betrieben wird."

    —Theodor Adorno, MINIMA MORALIA

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